Saturday, June 26, 2010

Robotics technology Introduction

Robotics technology is developing at a rapid pace, opening up new possibilities for automating tasks and enriching the lives of humans. From the automobile assembly line to automatic home vacuum cleaners, Robotics are a part of our world.
The Robotics community provides free resources pertinent to anyone in any industry interested in how technology can enhance quality of life. Here you’ll find Robotics technology industry news, blogs, feature articles, videos and more. Use these tools to educate yourself and stay current with what’s happening in Robotics.

Robotics Technology Background

You have heard of the word “robots” during all your live; however you do not heard about the word “robotics” to often. Let star with a definition of the word itself; Robotics is a science of modern technology of general purpose of programmable machine systems. Contrary to the popular fiction image of robot as ambulatory machines of human appearance capable of performing almost any task. Most robotic systems are anchored to fixed positions in reality with limit mobility.  Robots perform a flexible, but restricted, number of operations in computer-aided manufacturing processes. These systems minimally contain a computer or a programmable device to control operations and effecters, devices that perform the desired work. The next paragraph represents the vision or general definition of robots according to the scientific knowledge and technology of that era

Robotics Sensors

Proximity sensor senses and indicates the presence of an object within a fixed space near the sensor without physical contact. Different commercially available proximity sensors are suitable for different applications.
Range sensor measures the distance from a reference point to a set of points in the scene. Humans can estimate range values based on visual data by perceptual processes that include comparison of image sizes and projected views of world-object models. Range can be sensed with a pair of TV cameras or sonar transmitters and receivers.
A touch sensor senses and indicates a physical contact between the object carrying the sensor and another object. The simplest touch sensor is a micro switch. Touch sensors can be used to stop the motion of a robot when its end-effectors make contact with an object.
Acoustic sensor senses and interprets acoustic waves in gas, liquid, or solid. The level of sophistication of sensor interpretation varies among existing acoustic sensors, frequency of acoustic waves and recognition of isolated words in a continuous speech.
A force sensor measures the three components of the force and three components of the torque acting between two objects. In particular, a robot-wrist force sensor measures the components of force and torque between the last link of the robot and its end-effectors by transmitting the deflection of the sensor's compliant sections, which results from the applied force and torque.  

What is a Robot?

“A re-programmable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.”

A robot essential characteristics
·        Mobility: It possesses some form of mobility.
·        Programmability: implying computational or symbol- manipulative capabilities that a designer can combine as desired (a robot is a computer). It can be programmed to accomplish a large variety of tasks. After being programmed, it operates automatically.
·        Sensors: on or around the device that are able to sense the environment and give useful feedback to the device
·        Mechanical capability: enabling it to act on its environment rather than merely function as a data processing or computational device.
·        Flexibility: it can operate using a range of programs and manipulates and transport materials in a variety of ways.

Components of robots

  • Mechanical platforms -- or hardware base is a mechanical device, such as a wheeled platform, arm, fixed frame or other construction, capable of interacting with its environment and any other mechanism involve with his capabilities and uses.
  • Sensors systems is a special feature that rest on or around the robot. This device would be able to provide judgment to the controller with relevant information about the environment and give useful feedback to the robot.
  • Joints provide more versatility to the robot itself and are not just a point that connects two links or parts that can flex, rotate, revolve and translate. Joints play a very crucial role in the ability of the robot to move in different directions providing more degree of freedom.
  • The controller functions as the "brain" of the robot. Robots today have controllers that are run by programs - sets of instructions written in code. In other words, it is a computer used to command the robot memory and logic. So it, be able to work independently and automatically.
  • Power Source is the main source of energy to fulfill all the robots needs. It could be a source of direct current as a battery, or alternate current from a power plant, solar energy, hydraulics or gas.
  • Artificial intelligence represents the ability of computers to "think" in ways similar to human beings. Present day "AI" does allow machines to mimic certain simple human thought processes, but can not begin to match the quickness and complexity of the brain. On the other hand, not all robots possess this type of capability. It requires a lot of programming and sophisticates controllers and sensorial ability of the robot to reach this level.

The first robots

Joseph Engel Berger, in the picture, is entitled to be the father of robotics, together with George Deroe developed the first commercial robot, Unimate, in 1961. It was placed on Ford and was there used for a press-loading operation. A picture of the first generation robots from Unimate can be seen in the picture below.
The first robots were principally intended to replacing humans in monotonous, heavy and hazardous processes. Distinctive features of the use of the newly developed robots were in handling of materials and work pieces without direct control or participation in the manufacturing process. Robots did not become a major force in industry generally until they had been used extensively in the Japanese automobile industry.

Physical Robot configurations

Cartesian robot is form by 3 prismatic joints, whose axes are coincident with the X, Y and Z planes. These robots move in three directions, in translation, at right angles to each other.
Cylindrical robot is able to rotate along his main axes forming a cylindrical shape. The robot arm is attached to the slide so that it can be moved radically with respect to the column.
Spherical robot is able to rotate in two different directions along his main axes and the third joint moves in translation forming a hemisphere or polar coordinate system. It used for a small number of vertical actions and is adequate for loading and unloading of a punch.
SCARA robot which stands for Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm it is built with 2 parallel rotary joints to provide compliance in a plane. The robots work in the XY-plane and have Z-movement and a rotation of the gripper for assembly.
Articulated robots are mechanic manipulator that looks like an arm with at least three rotary joints. They are used in welding and painting; gantry and conveyor systems move parts in factories.
Parallel robot is a complex mechanism which is constituted by two or more kinematics chains between, the base and the platform where the end-effectors are located. Good examples are the flying simulator and 4-D attractions at Univ. Studios.

Types of robots according application

Industrial Robots are found in a variety of locations including the automobile and manufacturing industries. However, robot technology is relatively new to the industrial scene their roll consists of welding, painting, material handling and assembling.
Educational Robots one example is the Hex Avoider. It is a programmable mobile robot designed to move independently and avoid obstacles. Hex avoider use infrared emitters and receivers to sense its environment. Their roll is demonstration for teaching basic concepts and gets the attention of future engineers to this field.
Agricultural Robots one example is the Demeter harvester it contains new controllers, proximity sensors, safeguards and task software specialized to the needs of commercial agriculture processes.
Robots in Space are name as Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). It can be consistent with an unmanned spacecraft that remains in flight or a lander that makes contact with an extraterrestrial body and operates from a stationary position, or a rover that can move over terrain once it has landed.
Mobile Robots (Transportation) these types of robot operate by control remote deploying sensor position. Their roll consist of sampling payloads, mapping surface and creating a photo realistic 3D models and sent back any kind of visual information of building interiors and any environmental data.
Health Care Robots they are able to perform simple task and improve some medical protocol and procedures.